Contoh Soal TOEIC Reading untuk Persiapan Mengikuti Tes

Kamu punya rencana ikut tes TOEIC? Jika demikian, kamu perlu mempelajari contoh soal TOEIC reading berikut agar hasil tes kamu bisa maksimal. TOEIC adalah salah satu dari tes kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang dapat kamu pilih selain IELTS dan TOEFL.

Banyak negara sudah menerapkan tes TOEIC online bersertifikat seperti Amerika, Korea, Jepang, maupun Kanada. Berikut contoh-contoh soal yang dapat kamu gunakan sebagai latihan agar kamu lebih siap menghadapinya.  

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Mengenal TOEIC

Contoh Soal TOEIC Reading untuk Belajar

Kepanjangan dari TOEIC adalah Test of English for International Communication. Jadi, memang merupakan sarana untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa Inggris secara internasional.

Daftar tes TOEIC terdiri dari empat jenis soal yaitu reading, listening, writing dan speaking. Masing-masing memiliki jumlah soal dan durasi pengerjaan yang berbeda-beda sehingga kamu perlu mengatur strategi agar dapat menyelesaikan semua dengan baik.

Kali ini kamu dapat latihan soal TOEIC online jenis reading agar lebih lancar dalam menghadapi tes mendatang.

Contoh Soal TOEIC Reading

Kumpulan Contoh Soal TOEIC Reading

Soal reading untuk tes TOEIC terdiri dari beberapa bagian seperti reading comprehension, incomplete sentence, dan text completion. Berikut daftar TOEIC test sample untuk soal reading yang dapat kamu pelajari dan praktikkan agar mencapai skor tertinggi.

Contoh Soal Incomplete Sentence

  1. Customer reviews indicate that many modern mobile devices are often unnecessarily__________
  1. Complication
  2. Complicates
  3. Complicate
  4. Complicated

Jawaban: D

     2. Gyeon Corporation’s continuing education policy states that __________learning new skills enhances creativity and focus.

  1. Regular
  2. Regularity
  3. Regulate
  4. Regularly

Jawaban: A

     3. All clothing sold in Develyn’s Boutique is made from natural materials and contains no __________ dyes.

  1. immediate
  2. synthetic
  3. reasonable
  4. assumed

Jawaban: B

     4. All the orders got _________ on schedule

  1. Delivering
  2. To deliver
  3. To be deliver
  4. Delivered

Jawaban: D

     5. Commercial builders downplayed __________ a bust in the superheated housing market.

  1. the concern of
  2. concerning
  3. concerned that
  4. concerns about

Jawaban: D

     6. Despite having four years of experience in software programming, Mr. Jones hadn’t used a word processing program __________.

  1. Prior
  2. Advanced
  3. previous
  4. Before

Jawaban: D

     7. __________ it was a holiday; the doctor performed emergency surgery on the heart patient.

  1. During
  2. Even
  3. Although
  4. So

Jawaban: C

     8. Property taxes ________ about 40 percent of the overall tax revenue the state collects.

  1. Account for
  2. Make
  3. Are at least
  4. Are raised by

Jawaban: B

Contoh Soal Reading Comprehension (Pemahaman)

Berikut contoh latihan TOEIC gratis yang dapat kamu pelajari:

On Monday, Salinas Products, a large food distributor based in Mexico City, announced its plans to acquire Pablo’s restaurant chain. Pablo Benavidez, the chain’s owner, had been considering holding an auction for ownership of the chain. He ultimately made the decision to sell to Salinas without seeking other offers. According to inside sources, Salinas has agreed to keep the restaurant’s name as part of the deal. Mr. Benavidez started the business 40 years ago, right after finishing school. He opened a small food stand in his hometown of Cancún. Following that, he opened restaurants in Puerto Vallarta and Veracruz, and there are now over 50 Pablo’s restaurants nationwide.

  1. What is suggested about Mr. Benavidez?
  1. He has hired Salinas Products to distribute his products
  2. He has agreed to sell his business to Salinas Products
  3. He has recently been hired as an employee of a school
  4. He has been chosen to be the new president of Salinas Products.

Jawaban: B

      2. According to the article, where is Mr. Benavidez from?

  1. Cancún
  2. Veracruz
  3. Mexico City
  4. Puerto Vallarta

Jawaban: A

      3. What is indicated about Pablo’s restaurant chain?

  1. It was recently sold in an auction
  2. It will soon change its name
  3. It was founded 40 years ago
  4. It operates in several countries.

Jawaban: D

Nah, itu dia contoh soal TOEIC reading yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi dan ajang latihan. Semoga informasi mengenai di atas dapat bermanfaat buat kamu. Selamat mencoba!