Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense, Positif, Negatif, Interogatif

Kumpulan Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense

Passive voice dapat kamu gunakan dalam tense apa pun, termasuk past continuous tense. Dalam past continuous tense, aksi atau tindakan sedang berlangsung di masa lalu. Pada artikel ini, kita akan membahas contoh passive voice past continuous tense positif, negatif, dan interogatif.

Namun, sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh tentang passive voice, mari kita ingat kembali rumus past continuous tense yang telah kamu pelajari sebelumnya. 

Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense

Berikut ini rumus past continuous tense:

(+) Subject + was/were + verb-ing

(-) Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing

(?) Was/were + subject + verb-ing

Berikut adalah contoh kalimat Past Continuous Tense:

(+) She was singing a song when her friend came over. (Dia sedang menyanyikan sebuah lagu ketika temannya datang.)

(-) They weren’t watching TV when I called. (Mereka tidak sedang menonton TV ketika saya menelepon.)

(?) Was she studying when you arrived? (Apakah dia sedang belajar ketika kamu tiba?)

Lantas, bagaimana contoh kalimat passive voice

Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Positif

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Positif

Kalimat passive voice past continuous tense positif menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung yang dilakukan pada subjek oleh objek yang tidak dikenal atau tidak penting. Dalam tense ini, subjeknya dalam bentuk past continuous dan verb-nya dalam bentuk past participle.

Berikut ini adalah rumus membentuk kalimat passive voice past continuous positif : 

Subject (singular or plural) + was/were + being + past participle (V3)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Positif (Simple)

  • The vines behind the yard were being trimmed by the gardener. (Tanaman merambat di belakang halaman sedang dipangkas oleh tukang kebun.)
  • The bike was being fixed by the mechanic. (Sepeda sedang diperbaiki oleh mekanik.)
  • The wrinkled clothes were being ironed by the dry cleaners. (Pakaian kusut sedang disetrika oleh binatu.)
  • My sister’s birthday party was planned by the event coordinator. (Pesta ulang tahun kakak saya direncanakan oleh koordinator acara.)
  • The dirty cakes on the floor were being cleaned by the office boy. (Kue kotor di lantai sedang dibersihkan oleh office boy.)
  • The windows were being cleaned by the janitor. (Jendela sedang dibersihkan oleh petugas kebersihan.)
  • The man’s drink was being poured by the bartender. (Minuman pria itu sedang dituangkan oleh bartender.)
  • A big fish was finally caught by fishermen after days. (Seekor ikan besar akhirnya ditangkap nelayan setelah berhari-hari.)
  • The important announcement was being made by the higher-ups. (Pengumuman penting sedang dibuat oleh atasan.)
  • The coffee was being brewed by the barista. (Kopi sedang diseduh oleh barista.)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Positif (Complex)

  • The flowers were being watered by the gardener while the sun was shining brightly. (Bunga-bunga sedang disiram oleh tukang kebun ketika matahari bersinar terang.)
  • The project was being completed by the team while the deadline was fast approaching. (Proyek itu sedang diselesaikan oleh tim ketika batas waktu semakin dekat.)
  • The dogs were being walked by the pet sitter while the owners were on vacation. (Anjing-anjing sedang dipelihara oleh pengasuh hewan ketika pemiliknya sedang berlibur.)
  • The building was being constructed by the workers while the architects oversaw the progress. (Bangunan itu sedang dibangun oleh pekerja ketika arsitek mengawasi progresnya.)
  • The music was being played by the band while the crowd was dancing to the beat. (Musik itu sedang dimainkan oleh band ketika kerumunan menari mengikuti iramanya.)
  • The cake was being decorated by the pastry chef while the guests were mingling at the party. (Kue itu sedang dihias oleh koki pastry ketika tamu sedang berkumpul di pesta.)
  • The road was being paved by the construction crew while the traffic was being diverted. (Jalan itu sedang diaspal oleh kru konstruksi ketika lalu lintas dialihkan.)
  • The game was being played by the team while the coach was giving instructions. (Game itu sedang dimainkan oleh tim ketika pelatih memberikan instruksi.)
  • The car was being washed by the car wash attendant while the driver was waiting. (Mobil itu sedang dicuci oleh petugas cuci mobil ketika pengemudi sedang menunggu.)
  • The movie was being filmed by the crew while the actors were rehearsing their lines. (Film itu sedang difilmkan oleh kru ketika aktor-aktor sedang latihan dialog.)

Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Negatif

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Negatif

Past continuous tense passive voice negative sentences menggambarkan tindakan berkelanjutan yang tidak dilakukan pada subjek oleh objek yang tidak dikenal atau tidak penting. Dalam tense ini, subjeknya dalam bentuk past continuous dan verb-nya dalam bentuk past participle. 

Berikut ini adalah rumus passive voice past continuous negatif : 

Subject (singular or plural) + was/were not + being + past participle (V3)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Negatif (Simple)

  • On big day celebrations, students are not being taught by their teachers. (Pada perayaan hari besar, siswa tidak diajar oleh guru mereka.)
  • The apples were not being picked by the farmer. (Apel tidak dipetik oleh petani.)
  • The empty house was not cleaned by the owner. (Rumah kosong itu tidak dibersihkan oleh pemiliknya.)
  • The roads were not being repaired by the construction crew. (Jalan-jalan tidak diperbaiki oleh kru konstruksi.)
  • Pizzas are not being baked by talented chefs. (Pizza tidak dipanggang oleh koki berbakat.)
  • The newly released song was not being sung by the choir. (Lagu yang baru dirilis tidak dinyanyikan oleh paduan suara.)
  • The car was not being washed by the car wash attendant. (Mobil itu tidak dicuci oleh petugas cuci mobil.)
  • The flowers were not being watered by the gardener. (Bunga-bunga itu tidak disirami oleh tukang kebun.)
  • Tania’s birthday cake was not being decorated by the maker. (Kue ulang tahun Tania tidak dihias oleh pembuatnya.)
  • The movie was not being filmed by the crew. (Film itu tidak difilmkan oleh kru.)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Negatif (Complex)

  • The product was not being manufactured by the factory while the orders were coming in. (Produk itu tidak diproduksi oleh pabrik ketika pesanan-pesanan masuk.)
  • The cake was not being baked by the baker while the customers were waiting. (Kue itu tidak dipanggang oleh penjual roti ketika pelanggan sedang menunggu.)
  • The clothes were not being ironed by the dry cleaner while the customers were picking up their orders. (Pakaian-pakaian tidak disetrika oleh layanan dry cleaning ketika pelanggan mengambil pesanannya.)
  • The presentation was not being rehearsed by the speaker while the audience was gathering. (Presentasi itu tidak dilatihkan oleh pembicara ketika audiens berkumpul.)
  • The field was not being plowed by the farmer while the seeds were waiting to be planted. (Lahan itu tidak dibajak oleh petani ketika bibit menunggu untuk ditanam.)
  • The trees were not being trimmed by the arborist while the leaves were falling. (Pohon-pohon tidak dipangkas oleh ahli pohon ketika dedaunan jatuh.)
  • The team was not being coached by the manager while the game was going on. (Tim itu tidak dilatih oleh manajer ketika pertandingan sedang berlangsung.)
  • The building was not being maintained by the landlord while the tenants were living there. (Bangunan itu tidak dirawat oleh pemilik ketika penghuni tinggal di sana.)
  • The road was not being cleared by the snow plow while the snow was accumulating. (Jalan itu tidak dibersihkan oleh alat pembersih salju ketika salju menumpuk.)
  • The book was not being written by the author while the publisher was waiting. (Buku itu tidak ditulis oleh penulis ketika penerbit sedang menunggu.)

Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Interogatif

Kalimat passive voice interogatif past continuous tense dapat kamu gunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan tentang tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu. Dalam tense ini, subjeknya dalam bentuk past continuous dan verb-nya dalam bentuk past participle. 

Berikut ini adalah rumus membentuk kalimat passive voice past continuous interogatif : 

Was/were + subject (singular or plural) + being + past participle (V3) +?

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Interogatif (Simple)

  • Was the presentation being edited by our team? (Apakah presentasi sedang diedit oleh tim kami?)
  • Was the game being watched by many people? (Apakah pertandingan tersebut ditonton oleh banyak orang?)
  • Were the plants being watered by the gardener? (Apakah tanaman disiram oleh tukang kebun?)
  • Was the event being planned by the coordinator? (Apakah acara tersebut direncanakan oleh koordinator?)
  • Was my brother’s car being driven by his girlfriend? (Apakah mobil saudara laki-laki saya dikemudikan oleh pacarnya?)
  • Were our clothes being folded by the laundry worker? (Apakah pakaian kita dilipat oleh pekerja binatu?)
  • Was my grandpa’s medicine being administered by the nurse? (Apakah obat kakek saya diberikan oleh perawat?)
  • Were the trees being cut down by the loggers? (Apakah pohon-pohon ditebang oleh para penebang?)
  • Was the old computer being fixed by the technician? (Apakah komputer lama diperbaiki oleh teknisi?)
  • Were the products being packaged by the factory workers? (Apakah produk dikemas oleh pekerja pabrik?)
  • Was the contract being negotiated by the lawyers? (Apakah kontrak sedang dinegosiasikan oleh pengacara?)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Interogatif (Complex)

  • Was the house being built by the contractors while you were driving by? (Apakah rumah itu sedang dibangun oleh kontraktor ketika kamu melewatinya?)
  • Were the students being taught by the professor while the guest speaker was giving a lecture? (Apakah siswa-siswa sedang diajari oleh profesor ketika pembicara tamu sedang memberikan kuliah?)
  • Was the book being read by anyone while it was lying on the table? (Apakah buku itu sedang dibaca oleh siapa pun ketika tergeletak di meja?)
  • Were the trees being pruned by the landscapers while the leaves were falling? (Apakah pohon-pohon sedang dipangkas oleh ahli taman ketika dedaunan jatuh?)
  • Was the cake being baked by the chef while the guests were arriving? (Apakah kue itu sedang dipanggang oleh koki ketika tamu-tamu tiba?)
  • Were the cars being washed by the attendants while the owners were waiting? (Apakah mobil-mobil sedang dicuci oleh petugas ketika pemiliknya sedang menunggu?)
  • Was the presentation being rehearsed by the speaker while the audience was taking their seats? (Apakah presentasi itu sedang dilatihkan oleh pembicara ketika audiens mengambil tempat duduk?)
  • Were the patients being treated by the doctors while the nurses were taking vitals? (Apakah pasien-pasien sedang dirawat oleh dokter ketika perawat sedang mengukur tanda-tanda vital?)
  • Was the game being played by the team while the coach was giving instructions? (Apakah game itu sedang dimainkan oleh tim ketika pelatih memberikan instruksi?)
  • Were the animals being fed by the zookeepers while the visitors were watching? (Apakah hewan-hewan sedang diberi makan oleh pengurus kebun binatang ketika pengunjung sedang menonton?)

Baca juga : Past Continuous Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, dan Fungsi


Passive voice past continuous tense dapat digunakan dalam kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif. Dengan mempelajari contoh kalimat passive voice past continuous tense, kamu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggrismu dengan lebih cepat. 

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About the Author: Admin Della