20 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense

Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, kamu tentu saja akan belajar beragam tense atau pola kalimat, termasuk present continuous tense. Tidak cukup hanya dengan membaca materi, kamu juga perlu membiasakan diri mengerjakan contoh soal present continuous tense untuk menguasainya.

Pelajaran tense bahasa Inggris seperti present continuous tense ini pada umumnya mulai diajarkan di level sekolah menengah pertama. Lebih tepatnya, contoh soal-soal present continuous tense ini baru akan kamu dapatkan di kelas 9 SMP. 

Namun demikian, kamu sebenarnya juga bisa secara mandiri mengetes pemahaman kamu terkait present continuous tense ini di luar kelas. Bagaimana caranya? Salah satunya dengan mengerjakan soal present continuous tense pilihan ganda berikut.

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Present Continuous Tense

Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense

Seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, kamu bisa mencari berbagai jenis contoh soal yang tersedia di internet. Nah, berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal kalimat present continuous tense pilihan ganda dan jawabannya, yang bisa kamu pakai untuk latihan di rumah. Yuk, coba kerjakan!

  1. Jason is ___ English in our school library right now.”

Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?

  1. Study
  2. Studies
  3. Studying
  4. is Studying
  1. Barbie and George are playing with kites in the city park ____.”

Which of the following choices is the correct adverb of time for the sentence?

  1. At the moment
  2. Yesterday
  3. Tomorrow
  4. Last week
  1. Ruben and Johnny ___ designing next month’s magazine cover because our editor wants the draft tonight.”

Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?

  1. are
  2. is 
  3. was
  4. were
  1. Jamie: Hei Allan! Can you send me the agreement document?

          Alan: I am ____ today. I will give you the documents tomorrow in the office.

The correct answer to fill in Alan’s dialog is

  1. not work
  2. not working
  3. not works
  4. not worked
  1. Which of the following choices is the false adverb of time for the present continuous tense?
  1. at the moment
  2. now
  3. currently
  4. day before yesterday
  1. Ms. Elina: What is Mr. Harry ___ right now? 

          Joseph: He is teaching mathematics in Class.

The perfect answer to fill in the blank is

  1. do
  2. does
  3. done
  4. doing
  1. My mother __ cooking pasta for our dinner.”

Which option is the best answer to fill in the sentence above?

  1. is
  2. are
  3. was
  4. were

The following text is for question number 8 to 10

(Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 8 dan 10)

Joshua is a security at the Mall. Every day, he goes to work at 7 pm. Every 8 to 10 pm, Joshua will patrol around the Mall’s motorbike parking lot. After that, he will check the camera in the CCTV room from 11 pm to 1 am. Next, he will stand guard at the security post for four hours.

  1. The clock shows 9 pm. What is Joshua currently doing?
  1. Joshua is patrol around the parking lot.
  2. He is patrolling around the motorbike’s parking lot.
  3. Joshua is guarded the security post.
  4. He goes to the CCTV room.
  1. He will check the camera in the CCTV room from 11 pm to 1 am.”

Under that statement, which choice is the correct sentence? 

  1. He is looking over the camera in the CCTV chamber.
  2. He is checking the CCTV room.
  3. He is not checking the CCTV room.
  4. He is leaving the camera room.
  1. Next, he will stand guard at the security post for four hours.

Which is the correct present continuous tense sentence based on the statement above?

  1. He was standing at the security post for four hours.
  2. He is watched the situation from the security room for four hours.
  3. He is standing guard from the security room for four hours.
  4. He is stand guard from the security room for four hours.
  1. Della: Where is dad?

          Joe: Downstairs! __ James Bond’s movie in the living room.

The perfect answer to fill in the blank is __

  1. He is watching
  2. He is watched
  3. He was watching
  4. He is watch

The following dialogue is for question number 12 and 13

(Dialog berikut untuk soal nomor 12 dan 13)

Anna: What is Alisa doing at the office? Is she working right now? Today is supposed to be her day off.

Amber: She is finishing her draft for tomorrow’s presentation. 

  1. Is she working right now?” Anna asked.

Which of the following choices is the correct form of a positive present continuous tense sentence based on that interrogative sentence?

  1. She is working right now.
  2. She is not working right now.
  3. She is work right now.
  4. She is worked right now. 
  1. “She is finishing her draft for tomorrow’s presentation.”

Which of the following choices is the correct form of a negative present continuous tense sentence based on that positive sentence?

  1. She was not finishing her draft.
  2. She is not finishing her draft. 
  3. She are not finishing her draft.
  4. Is She finishing her draft?
  1. “Thomas ___ his interview today. Let’s hope for the best for him.”

Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?

  1. is having
  2. are having
  3. do
  4. does
  1. ___ listening to What I am talking about?

The best answer to fill in the sentence is?

  1. Is you
  2. Do you
  3. Are you
  4. Was you
  1. Please pay some attention! I ___ trying to explain the history of the Sphinx.

The correct answer to fill in this sentence is

  1. is
  2. are
  3. am
  4. was
  1. Why is your dog always ___ me?

The perfect answer to fill in the blank is

  1. chasing
  2. chase
  3. chased
  4. chases
  1. What is the mechanic doing? He ____ the machine.

The correct answer to fill in the blank is

  1. is repaired
  2. are repairing
  3. is repair
  4. is repairing

The following Dialogue is for question number 19 – 20

(Dialog berikut untuk soal nomor 19 – 20)

Ariel: Why is your oven on baking mode?

Tia: Oh, I am cooking some apple pie. Do you want some?

Ariel: Sure! Is there any special occasion? Why do you make apple pie?

Tia: My Brother and his friends are celebrating their win at football games upstairs. It’s for them.

  1. Why is Tia’s oven in baking mode?
  1. Tia is baking some apple pie.
  2. Tia is celebrate his brother’s wins.
  3. Tia’s oven is broken.
  4. Tia’s brother is cooking some pie.
  1. My Brother and his friends are celebrating their win.

Which of the following choices is the correct form of a negative present continuous tense sentence based on that positive sentence?

  1. My brother and his friends is not celebrating their win.
  2. My brother and his friends are not celebrating their win.
  3. My brother and his friends was not celebrating their win.
  4. My brother and his friends not celebrating their win.

Kunci Jawaban:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. D
  19. A
  20. B


Itulah contoh soal present continuous tense pada materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 yang bisa kamu pakai untuk latihan sendiri di rumah. Jangan lupa kerjakan sesuai kemampuanmu dulu, sebelum mengecek jawabannya di bagian akhir. Sebagai pembiasaan, kamu bisa mengerjakan 10 contoh Soal Present continuous Tense per hari terlebih dulu. Setelahnya, kamu bisa mencoba mengerjakan latihan soal yang lebih banyak secara rutin.

Semoga contoh soal present continuous tense ini bisa membantu kamu belajar lebih maksimal tentang beragam tense bahasa Inggris! Selamat mengerjakan dan meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggrismu!

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