Jangan Lupa Latihan, Ini Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense

Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense

Practice makes perfect, itulah pepatah yang harus kamu ingat ketika belajar beragam tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Agar dapat menguasai tense dalam bahasa Inggris kamu harus sering mengasah otak dengan mengerjakan berbagai latihan. Termasuk di antaranya, contoh soal present perfect tense.

Dengan adanya jaringan internet saat ini, kamu bisa mencari beragam jenis soal di dunia maya, termasuk contoh soal present perfect tense aktif maupun pasif. Latihan soal pilihan seperti ganda sangat bagus untuk membantu kamu belajar present perfect tense.

Sebagai tips, kamu bisa mencari contoh soal bahasa Inggris present perfect tense yang disertai dengan jawabannya. Dengan demikian, ketika kamu sudah selesai mengerjakan soalnya, kamu bisa membandingkan apakah jawabanmu sudah benar atau belum.

Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense

Nah, sebagai fasilitas untuk membantu kamu belajar di rumah, berikut adalah contoh soal dan jawaban present perfect tense yang bisa kamu kerjakan. Ingat, perhatikan soal dengan baik dan juga sebelum menjawab!

  1. Lucas __ delivered the pizza for six years.”

Which is the correct choice to fill in the sentence?

  1. have
  2. is 
  3. are
  4. has
  1. Waiter: Would you like some other dish, sir?

         Tommy: No, thank you! I’m full. I have ___ a lot of food.

Which of the following choices is the correct answer for completing Tommy’s sentence?

  1. eat
  2. ate
  3. eats
  4. eaten
  1. Linda, Robert, and Marta are explorers who studied various cultures of traditional tribes worldwide. They ___ explored the continent for about two years, learning about traditional cultures.

Which of the following choices is the right answer for completing the sentence?

  1. have
  2. has
  3. was
  4. is
  1. Eric: Aren’t you in the same class as Niko for Biology class?

         Robby: Yes, but he has not ___ for a while.

Of these choices, which is the best answer to fill in the sentence?

  1. appearing
  2. appeared
  3. appear
  4. appears
  1. ____ have lived in Surabaya for almost 20 years.

Of these choices, which is an incorrect subject for this sentence?

  1. We
  2. They
  3. You
  4. He
  1. Ruth has ___ her degree in economics and works at the bank.
  1. finish
  2. finished
  3. finishing
  4. finishes
  1. Eric ___ fancied basketball for almost a year now.
  1. have
  2. been
  3. has 
  4. were
  1. ___ you read the new Jenny Han novel?
  1. Has
  2. Have
  3. Was
  4. Is

The following text is for questions number 9 and 10

(teks berikut untuk soal nomor 9 dan 10)

My dad is a mathematics teacher in high school. He has ____ for 15 years now at International Nusa Bangsa High School. My dad will enter his retirement period in 3 years and plans to open a restaurant to fill his spare time. He has learn about the business plan for six months. He is very sure of his plan.

  1. Which of the following choices is the right answer for completing the second sentence?
  1. teach
  2. teaching
  3. taught
  4. teaches
  1. The word ‘learn’ in the sentence “He has learn about the business plan for six months” is incorrect. Which of the following choices is the correct answer to replace it?
  1. learning
  2. learns
  3. learned
  4. been learn
  1. Herry has knitted a jacket for his girlfriend’s gift for two months.

Which of the following choices is the proper form of an interrogative sentence of present perfect tense based on that statement?

  1. Has Herry knitted a jacket for his girlfriend’s gift for two months?
  2. Have Herry knitted a jacket for his girlfriend’s gift for two months?
  3. Is Herry knit a jacket for his girlfriend’s gift for two months?
  4. Have Herry knitting a jacket for his girlfriend’s gift for two months?
  1. Johnny and I have searched for medicine for a couple of years now.

Which of the following choices is the proper form of a negative sentence of present perfect tense based on that statement?

  1. Johnny and I has not searched for medicine.
  2. Johnny and I have not searched for medicine.
  3. Johnny and I having not searched for medicine.
  4. Johnny and I have been not searched for medicine.

The following dialogue is for questions number 13 and 14

(dialog berikut untuk soal nomor 13 dan 14)

Amanda: Hi, everyone, My name is Amanda. I’m the new designer at Alamanda Boutique.

Locky: Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m Locky, and this is Ruby. You can call me Loe if you want. I’m an illustrator.

Ruby: Hi, I’m Ruby! I’m the manager!

Amanda: Hi, nice to meet you too. How long have you been working here?

Locky: I have worked here for seven years. Before that, I was an illustrator intern for a year. Meanwhile, Ruby has worked here for two years.

  1. “I have worked here for seven years” refers to 
  1. Locky is leaving after working for seven years
  2. Locky has worked at the company for seven years
  3. Locky’s employment contract lasted only seven years
  4. Locky isn’t coming back to work after seven years
  1. What is the correct interrogative form of this statement, “Ruby has worked here for two years”?
  1. Has she worked here for two years?
  2. Have she worked here for two years?
  3. Has she working here for two years?
  4. Have she works here for two years?
  1. Rita, have you ____ your packed meal?

Which is the right choice to fill in the sentence?

  1. forget
  2. forgetting
  3. forgot
  4. forgotten
  1. Samuel and Jeremy ____ lived in Canada for a while. They have something to do in Texas for a couple of years. 

Which of the following choices is the best answer for completing the sentence?

  1. have not
  2. is not
  3. was not
  4. has not
  1. My father is planning to build a new bird’s house. He ___ on the design for weeks. 
  1. has work
  2. is worked
  3. has worked
  4. was works

The following dialogue is for questions number 18 and 19

(teks dialog berikut ini untuk soal present perfect tense pilihan ganda nomor 18 dan 19)

Gita: I heard your brother is studying abroad.

Dennis: Ya, he has studied in Malaysia for three years now. He will graduate next year. How about you? Have any plans?

Gita: Well, my sister ___ in Germany for a couple of months, but she feels lonely, so I can stay there to accompany her for a year.

  1. How long did Denis’s brother study in Malaysia?
  1. three years
  2. couple of months
  3. a years
  4. less than three years
  1. The perfect answer to fill in Gita’s dialogue is
  1. has worked
  2. is worked
  3. was works
  4. have worked
  1. Romeo and Juliet ____ with each other for a while since that October party incident. 

Which of the following choices is the best answer for completing the sentence?

  1. have argue
  2. has argue
  3. have argued
  4. have arguing

Kunci Jawaban:

Untuk mengetahui apakah jawabanmu sudah benar atau belum, berikut adalah kunci jawaban dari beberapa contoh soal pilihan ganda present perfect tense di atas. Silahkan disimak!

  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C


Di atas merupakan beberapa pertanyaan dengan sebagian materinya adalah contoh dialog soal present perfect tense. Kerjakan dengan teliti dan cermat agar jawaban kamu atas contoh soal present perfect tense SMA kelas X ini sesuai dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia! 

Lebih lanjut, agar proses belajar bahasa Inggris kamu bisa maksimal, jangan hanya mengerjakan satu contoh soal present perfect tense saja. Pastikan kamu mengerjakan banyak contoh soal present perfect tense lainnya untuk latihan di rumah. Selamat belajar!

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About the Author: Admin Della