Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD beserta Jawabannya

Setelah mempelajari beberapa materi bahasa Inggris, kini saatnya latihan menjawab soal. Mengerjakan soal-soal berguna untuk mengetes kemampuan dan pemahamanmu mengenai materi sebelumnya. Nah, kamu bisa mencoba mengerjakan latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD beserta jawabannya di sini.

Ini juga bisa bermanfaat sebagai persiapan menjelang ujian. Dengan mengerjakan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD, kamu tidak akan kesulitan dalam menjawab soal bahasa Inggris kelas 4 sd kurikulum merdeka nantinya. Dalam latihan soal ini, ada 30 soal pilihan ganda (a,b,c,d) dan 10 soal essay yang bisa kamu coba.

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Sebelum kalian menjawabnya ada baiknya kalian ulangi pelajaranya >> Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD ya! dan baru coba jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini!

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 dan 2

A. Choose the correct answers a, b, c, or d!

1. ‘Keberagaman’ in the English language is ….

  1. Culture
  2. Religion
  3. Diversity
  4. Tradition

2. The sky object that emits light at night is….

  1. Sun
  2. Star
  3. Earth
  4. Planets

3. ‘Earth’ in the Indonesian language is ……

  1. Matahari
  2. Bintang
  3. Bulan
  4. Bumi

4. My father turned on the light. The energy used to light a lamp is…

  1. Electricity
  2. Sun
  3. Fire
  4. Water

5. In order for plants to grow and thrive, they need…..

  1. Sun and food
  2. Salt and sugar
  3. Wood and sand
  4. Sun and water

6. Look at the picture below!

Belajar mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD

What activities are performed in the image above?

  1. A child is drawing
  2. A child is reading
  3. a child is writing
  4. A child is crying

7. Look at the picture below!

Kumpulan soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD

The traditional cloth comes from the…

  1. Minangkabau
  2. Sulawesi 
  3. Papua
  4. Aceh

8. Look at the picture below!

Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD

What is the name of the traditional house in the picture above?

  1. Gadang house
  2. Tongkonan house
  3. Limas house
  4. Joglo house

9. Describe the image below!

  1. A man is exercising
  2. A woman is pedaling a bicycle
  3. A boy and a girl are exercising
  4. A man and a woman are pedaling a bicycle

10. Look at the picture below!

What activities are they doing?

  1. they are buying a tree
  2. they are planting trees
  3. they are watering the plants
  4. They are doing light work.

11. Pak Rahmat just lost his motorbike. He should have gone ….

  1. To the post office 
  2. To the bank
  3. To the library
  4. To the police

12. “Hero” in the Indonesian language is ….

  1. Pembelajar
  2. Pahlawan
  3. Penolong
  4. Pembantu

13. Below are products from agriculture, except…..

  1. Vegetables
  2. Rice
  3. Tubers
  4. Fish

14. The following is not a profession, except…

  1. Teacher
  2. Doctor
  3. Journalist
  4. Student

15. Eating activities are usually done in the ….

  1. Living room
  2. Bedroom
  3. Dining room
  4. kitchen

16. Where is Borobudur Temple located?

  1. Yogyakarta
  2. Bali
  3. Magelang
  4. Makassar

17. What does a doctor usually do?

  1. Examine and treat patients
  2. teach in class
  3. Cooking restaurant food
  4. Serving buyers

18. What activities does a janitor do?

  1. Preparing food
  2. Sweeping the streets
  3. Selling drugs
  4. Managing traffic

19. Which of the following does not include electrical energy…

  1. Washing machine
  2. Refrigerator
  3. Oil torch
  4. Air conditioners

20.  Mr. Ahmad often catches criminals. What is Mr. Ahmad’s profession?

  1. Mr. Ahmad is a guide man
  2. Mr. Ahmad is a hero
  3. Mr. Ahmad is a policeman
  4. Mr. Ahmad is a driver

21. What is the synonym of “Clothes” ….

  1. Informal
  2. Dress
  3. Peel
  4. Uncased

22. “Great” is a synonym of …

  1. Cheerful
  2. Little 
  3. Slash
  4. Superb

23.  Arrange these sentences into the correct sentences!

Catching – a – thief – the – is – police 

  1. The thief is catching a police
  2. Police a catching is the thief
  3. The police is catching a thief
  4. A catching the police is a thief

24.  Arrange these sentences into the correct sentences!

Large – produced – in – a – factory – the fruit – is 

  1. The fruit is produced in a large factory
  2. Is the fruit produced in a large factory
  3. The large factory is produced in the fruit
  4. The factory is large in a produced fruit

25.  The following are synonyms for “happy”, except…

  1. Cheerful
  2. Glad
  3. Delighted
  4. Swing

B. Translate into Indonesian!

  1. A man is smoking.
  2. He sells food on the side of the road
  3. The woman cooks with a happy heart.
  4. I don’t like spicy food
  5. Someone invited me to play in the park.
  6. I don’t want to study today.
  7. The police arrested a motorcyclist.
  8. I’m confused about how to do this difficult task.
  9. Someone gave me candy today.
  10. Fina doesn’t like to cook.
  11. Dry plants need to be watered.
  12. A good tree gets enough sunlight.
  13. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want to be friends with me.
  14. I’ve learned the best I can.
  15. I wrote a letter to my beloved teacher.

Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD

Kunci Jawaban A

  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. D
  14. D
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D

Kunci Jawaban B

  1. Seorang pria sedang merokok.
  2. Dia menjual makanan di pinggir jalan
  3. Wanita itu memasak dengan hati yang gembira.
  4. Saya tidak suka makanan pedas
  5. Seseorang mengajakku bermain di taman.
  6. Saya tidak ingin belajar hari ini.
  7. Polisi menangkap seorang pengendara sepeda motor.
  8. Saya bingung bagaimana melakukan tugas yang sulit ini.
  9. Seseorang memberiku permen hari ini.
  10. Fina tidak suka memasak.
  11. Tanaman kering perlu disiram.
  12. Pohon yang baik mendapat sinar matahari yang cukup.
  13. Sayangnya, dia tidak mau berteman denganku.
  14. Saya telah belajar yang rekomendasi yang saya bisa.
  15. Saya menulis surat untuk guru tercinta.


Demikianlah beberapa soal bahasa inggris kelas 4 SD beserta jawabannya yang bisa kamu coba. Dalam mengerjakan soal-soal di atas, kamu tidak perlu terburu-buru. Kerjakan dengan teliti dan cermat. nah, bagi kalian yang masih di jenjang bawahnya kalian juga bisa mencoba jawab Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD ya! semoga bermanfaat!