Mengerjakan contoh soal sangat efektif untuk menilai seberapa bagus pemahaman kamu terhadap suatu materi. Hal ini juga bisa kamu terapkan saat belajar present perfect tense. Nah, kamu bisa berlatih mengerjakan contoh soal present perfect tense dan jawabannya di bawah ini untuk menimbang sejauh mana pemahamanmu.
Seperti yang kamu ketahui, dari sekian banyak tense yang ada, present perfect tense adalah salah satu bentuk kalimat yang perlu kamu kuasi. Yuk, lihat sudah sejauh mana pengetahuan kamu terhadap materi present perfect tense ini dengan menyelesaikan latihan soal present perfect tense berikut ini!
Contoh soal Pilihan Ganda Present Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya
Berikut adalah contoh soal present perfect tense pilihan ganda. Kerjakan dengan teliti dan juga pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat!
- Gigi: Dean, have you heard the latest news about Stefan?
Dean: Yes, he ___ from his coma. Now he is undergoing intensive care.
The correct answer choice to fill in the blank in the dialogue is ___
- Has recovered
- Have recovered
- Is recover
- Had recovered
- I don’t know, but I have ___ this song before.
The right answer is ___
- Hear
- Hears
- Heard
- Hearing
- Mr. Sue: How long has Mrs. Lind lived in this area?
Mr. Timmy: She ___ here for twelve years. That’s what I heard from the guy at the mini market.
The best answer to fill in the sentence is ___
- Has lived
- Will lived
- Have lived
- Would lived
- Mr. Sunny has not ___ to South Korea before. This experience will be his first time.
The correct answer to fill in the blank is ___
- Traveling
- Traveled
- Travel
- Travels
- ___ has not paid his bill yet. Therefore they cut off the water supply in his house.
The appropriate subject to fill in the sentence above is ___
- James and Lily
- They
- Dean
- My friends
- The weather is good today, so ___ have decided to picnic outside.
The best subject to fill in that sentence is ___
- She
- He
- We
- It
- Judy: Wow, your speaking skill has improved so much since you ___ at that language institution.
Becca: Thank you!
The best answer to fill in the blank is ___
- Studied
- Was studied
- Studies
- Studying
The following dialogue is for question number 8 and 9
(Dialog berikut untuk soal nomor 8 dan 9)
Robert: Hunger Games, Divergent, or The Maze Runner? Which one do you prefer to watch today?
Freddy: Well, I have watch Hunger Games. However, I have not seen The Maze Runner before. But I love Divergent.
Robert: So? Which one?
Freddy: Let us watch The Maze Runner.
- From the dialogue above, what movie has Freddy watched before?
- Divergent
- The Maze Runner
- None of them
- Hunger Games
- In the dialogue above, the underlined word is wrong. Which of the options below can replace it?
- Have watching
- Has watched
- Have watched
- Has watch
- Alexa and I ___ not tasted any meat since we decided to become vegan.
The perfect answer to fill in the blank is ___
- Have
- Has
- Was
- Were
- Harry: Tommy has __ this song before, has he?
Yuki : I’m not sure, but this song is quite familiar to me too.
Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?
- Sing
- Sang
- Singing
- Sung
- Which of the following choices is the correct form of a present perfect tense sentence?
- Jimmy and Sam have buys the movie tickets.
- Allison has eaten lunch already.
- Peter have not finished his tasks.
- Joe has not playing his guitar.
- Which of the following choices is the correct form of a negative present perfect tense sentence?
- Lately, I have not traveled anywhere.
- Jackson does not want to share his cake.
- They did not go to the concert last night.
- She have not visited her grandmother for a while.
- Lucas ___ just finished writing his novel.
Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?
- Were
- Are
- Have
- Has
The following text is for question number 15 and 16
(Perhatikan teks berikut untuk soal nomor 15 dan 16)
Dear Garry,
John and I have just come back from Singapore. I bought you some unique gifts from Singapore, which I hope you will like.
By the way, I have read your last email about our research. However, I am sorry I didn’t contact you or give feedback while I’m in Singapore. I have lose my cellphone and laptop, so I can not contact you. However, I have already submitted a lost item report to the authorities. I hope they can find my phone and laptop anytime soon.
Best Regard,
- Why has the writer not given Garry any feedback while in Singapore?
- She lost her phone.
- Jenny was too far away.
- She was doing her research.
- Jenny was waiting until she came back from Singapore.
- “I have lose my cellphone and laptop, so I can not contact you” is incorrect. Which option below is the correct form to replace that sentence?
- I has lose my cellphone and laptop, so I can not contact you.
- I was lose my cellphone and laptop, so I can not contact you.
- I have lost my cellphone and laptop, so I can not contact you.
- I had lose my cellphone and laptop, so I can not contact you.
- Erick has not gone to the cafe lately.
Based on the statement above, which is the most appropriate interrogative sentence?
- Have Erick not go to the cafe lately?
- Has Erick not going to the cafe lately?
- Have Erick not gone to the cafe lately?
- Has Erick not gone to the cafe lately?
The following dialogue is for question number 18 and 19
Ms. Susan: Tomorrow, we will conduct the annual meeting.
Andrew: Is there anything I should prepare, Ms. Susan?
Ms. Susan: Have you made the report about last month’s revenue?
Andrew: Absolutely, I have already prepared the document. What else, Ms. Susan?
Ms. Susan: Have you arranged the presentation slides?
Andrew: I apologize, Ms. Susan! I haven’t finished analyzing the data for the presentation yet. I will finish it this afternoon at the latest.
- What things should Andrew prepare for the annual meeting?
- Presentation document and last month’s expense report.
- Last month’s income report and data analysis.
- A presentation about last month’s revenue and analytical data.
- Last month’s revenue write-up and presentation slide.
- The word “latest” in the last sentence in the dialog above has the equivalent meaning with ___
- Newest
- Old
- Unfashionable
- Behind schedule
- The class ___ today because of the storm.
Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?
- is cancel
- is canceling
- was canceled
- has been canceled
Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense Essay dan Jawabannya
Berikut adalah contoh soal latihan present perfect tense essay. Isilah bagian yang kosong dengan bentuk present perfect tense yang tepat!
- Ruby ___ at Google for ten years. (work)
- They ___ any cloth since 1879. (not, produce)
- Jessica ___ optimistic lately. (be)
- My father and My mother ___ monopoly for a while now. (play)
- Have you ___ to the music I sent to you? (listen)
- Brandon and Rey ___ basketball for three years. (play)
- My family and I ___ Cambodia recently. (visit)
- Mom and Aunt ___ this cake for you. (cook)
- He ___ to a yoga class since he moved out. (not, go)
- My boss ___ a new company recently. (start)
- Have you ___ wasabi before? (eat)
- Has Tiffany ___ her document? (collect)
- Have you ever ___ this area before? (gird)
- Samuel and Tina ___ new designs for clients. (make)
- I ___ Tuna tears soju before. (drink)
- Ditto ___ five narratives recently. (write)
- Most of the students ___ their homework. (submit)
- My mother ___ Lauren Gerrie’s book lately. (read)
- The brownies ___ for thirty minutes. (bake)
- Tia ___ all her knives recently. (whet)
Kunci Jawaban Soal Present Perfect Tense
Baca juga : Jangan Lupa Latihan, Ini Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense
Sudah selesai mengerjakan contoh soal present perfect tense di atas? Melanjutkan pembahasan tentang contoh soal dan jawaban present perfect tense, berikut adalah kunci jawaban yang bisa kamu cocokan dengan hasil pengerjaan kamu:
- A
- C
- A
- B
- C
- C
- A
- D
- C
- A
- D
- B
- A
- D
- A
- C
- D
- D
- A
- D
- Has worked
- Have not produced
- Has been
- Have played
- Listened
- Have played
- Have visited
- Have cooked
- Has not gone
- Has started
- Eaten
- Collected
- Girt
- Have made
- Have drunk
- Has written
- Have submitted
- Has read
- Have been baked
- Has whetted
Itu dia beberapa contoh soal essay dan jawaban present perfect tense ini. Beragam soal di atas bisa kamu kerjakan untuk melihat seberapa besar pemahaman yang kamu miliki tentang present perfect tense. Kamu bisa mengerjakan soal dan melihat apakah nilai yang didapatkan sudah cukup memuaskan atau belum.
Baca juga : Present Perfect Tense Aktif dan Pasif, Ini Penjelasan dan Contohnya
Lebih lanjut, kamu bisa mengerjakan beberapa contoh soal seperti ini secara rutin untuk mempertajam ingatan dan memori tentang present perfect tense. Demikian artikel tentang contoh soal present perfect tense dan jawabannya ini. Yuk, coba kerjakan contoh soal present perfect tense ini!