Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Jika kamu sudah mempelajari materi past future perfect continuous tense, tidak ada salahnya untuk menguji pemahaman kamu dengan mengerjakan soal latihan. Berikut adalah contoh soal past future perfect continuous tense yang bisa kamu kerjakan untuk meninjau sudah sebaik apa penangkapan materi kamu.

Secara terperinci, dalam pembahasan kali ini terdapat dua jenis soal latihan yang akan kamu temui, yakni pilihan ganda dan juga esai. Yuk, kerjakan latihan soal past future perfect continuous tense ini dan nilai sudah sebaik apa kemahiran kamu terkait materi tense ini!

Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda 

Kumpulan Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda

Berikut adalah soal latihan past future perfect continuous tense bentuk pilihan ganda. Cermati bacaan dan soal untuk menentukan pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat!

  1. By the end of July, we ___ in this company for twenty years.
  1. would have been work
  2.  would have been working
  3.  would had working
  4.  would had been working
  1. Kelly: How’s your brother? Is he really going to leave his current apartment?

         Ashley: Yes, he is looking for a new apartment now. Too bad! He would have been ___ there for ten years last week. 

        Kelly: Oh ya, I heard the owner always gives a 20 percent discount for tenants who have rented for ten years.

  1. to lives
  2. living
  3. lived
  4. to lived
  1. The television ____ if we had connected the cable properly. 
  1. should have been working
  2. should have been worked
  3. should have been work
  4. should have been works
  1. Anna: James, how was your date last week?

         James: It ___ if I had not come late. 

  1. would have amazing
  2. would have be amazing
  3. would have being amazing
  4. would have been amazing
  1. Nancy: How long have you been studying at this university?

         Julia: I ___ at this university for five years by the end of last month. 

  1. would have been studying
  2. would have be studying
  3. would have been studied
  4. would have been study
  1. My students would have been ___ Morse code for one year by the end of August last year. 
  1. learned
  2. learns
  3. learning
  4. had learn
  1. The doorman at my office would have ___ a salary raise for three months by the end of this day. 
  1. been expecting
  2. expecting
  3. been expected
  4. be expected
  1. Camilla would not have ___ criticism if she had not been awful. 
  1. be facing
  2. facing
  3. been facing
  4. faces

The following dialogue is for question number 9 and 10

Pedro: So, how was your holiday in Spain?

Kevin: I can’t tell you anything because I didn’t go to Spain.

Pedro: But you have bought the plane ticket. 

Kevin: I would have been going to Spain if the immigration had ___ (9) me my visa. 

Pedro: Wait, they did not approve your visa?

Kevin: The immigration officer ___ (10) my visa if I had not forgotten some documents. Well, I guess it’s my fault. 


  1. gives
  2. given
  3. give
  4. giving 


  1. would not have be withholding
  2. would not have withholding
  3. would not have been withholding
  4. would not have been withhold

     11. ___ Mr. Snow’s kids have been exploring Europe for two years by the end of 2020?

  1. Has
  2. Have
  3. Had
  4. Would
  1. My boyfriend would not have been sailing for six months if the governor ___ the sail regulation. 
  1. had restricted
  2. has had restricted
  3. has restricted
  4. have restrict
  1. Poki: Why didn’t you join Brian and Tony on vacation to Lombok last week?

          May: Don’t be ridiculous! I ___ that opportunity if I had extra money. 

  1.  will not have been missing
  2.  would not have been missing
  3.  would not have been miss
  4.  would not have missing
  1. We would have been ___ so much money by the end of last year. 
  1. save
  2. saving
  3. saves
  4. be saved
  1. Mrs. Merry: Isn’t this her second year as a teacher in this school?

          Ms. Polly: She ___ been teaching in this school for three years by last December. 

  1. would have
  2. will have
  3. will had
  4. would had
  1. The American scientist ___ HIV for a decade by the last month. 
  1. would have been researching
  2. would have been research
  3. would have being researching
  4. would have be researching

The following dialogue is for question number 17 and 18

Johny: Did you see last night’s Vallorant tournament on Twitch?

Niko: Yeah, all of Valkyrae’s team members played very impressively. They had good strategies. 

Tommy: I agree with you. But you know what bothers me the most? It was Rae’s last game before retiring from Twitch.

Johny: Wouldn’t she have been ___ (17) on Twitch for five years?

Niko: Yeah, what a shame! She ___ (18) on Twitch for five years by next week. People even talked about making a celebration party for her, but it got canceled. 


  1. streaming
  2. stream
  3. streams
  4. be streamed


  1. would have playing
  2. would have been playing
  3. would have been play
  4. would had been playing

    19. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

  1.  Would Mr. Humprey have been marry for fifteen years to his wife by last week?
  2. Daniel would not have been spending his money if he had not seen those shoes. 
  3.  Amber and George will have studying aboard for years. 
  4. The seller would not have be selling her things. 
  1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?
  1. Jessica would have been gathering much more volunteers if the governor had not stopped her. 
  2. Juli would have been living in Bali for a year by last January. 
  3. Would you have been repairing this bike for a month?
  4. Nicky would not have be in Paris if her plane had been late. 
  1. ___ watching that movie for two hours by 10 o’clock?
  1.  Would they have been 
  2.  Would have they  been 
  3.  Would they had been 
  4.  Would they have
  1. Mother and I would not have been ___ here for half an hour if you had come on time. 
  1. has waiting
  2. waits
  3. waiting
  4. be waiting

The following dialogue is for question number 23 and 24

Derry: We ___ (23) for two hours if you had not been late. 

Garry: The streets are very jammed. It’s a Saturday night. 

Derry: Well, you should have ___ (24) earlier if you had known it would be jammed. 


  1. would have been practice
  2. would have been practicing
  3. will have been practicing
  4. would have be practicing


  1. be left
  2. been leave
  3. be leave
  4. been leaving


     25. If I had tons of money, I ___ worldwide a decade ago. 

  1. would have been traveler
  2. would have been travel
  3. would have been travels
  4. would have been traveling
  1. He would have been continuing his work if they ___ him. 
  1. had not fires
  2. had not fire
  3. had not fired
  4. had not firing
  1. Mr. Douglas would not have been claiming that land if someone ___ it a year ago. 
  1. had claimed
  2. had claiming
  3. had claims
  4. had claim
  1. Would your father have ___ his art if he had not been sick?
  1. been completing
  2.  completes
  3.  complete
  4.  be completing
  1. Vivi and her entire family would have ___ in their new house by today last year. 
  1. be living
  2. been living
  3. living
  4. been live
  1. I would have been learning English for an hour if you had not ___ me. 
  1. disturbed
  2. disturbs
  3. disturb
  4. disturbing

Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya Essay

Belajar Mengerjakan Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Essay

Pada bagian ini kamu akan menjumpai contoh-contoh soal past future perfect continuous tense bentuk esai. Untuk menjawab soal past future perfect continuous tense, kamu bisa mencermati kata-kata petunjuk di dalam kurung untuk menyusun kalimat yang benar secara gramatika. 

  1. Derreck, Oliver, and Jason ___ if the technician had fixed the water pump. (not/pump)
  2. We ___ around the garden if we had known there were bicycle rentals. (not/walk)
  3. I ___ if you had not stopped me. (there)
  4. By last February, Sasa ___ at Royal Plaza Cafe for two months. (perform)
  5. The dustman ___ the whole room if you had not stolen his broom. (clean)
  6. Would Dennis ___ his house? (leave)
  7. Chole, Kylie, and Kim ___ their room. (share)
  8. The forester ___ the fence if the animals had not escaped. (not/seal)
  9. Would you ___ me if I had not asked? (film)
  10. The optician ___ my eyes for two years by last week. (check)

Kunci Jawaban

Kunci Jawaan Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Melanjutkan pembahasan contoh soal past future perfect continuous tense dan jawabannya ini, berikut adalah kunci jawaban dari sejumlah soal di atas:

  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. B
  15. A
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. A
  29. B
  30. A
  31. would not have been pumping
  32. would not have been walking
  33. would have been there
  34. would have been performing 
  35. would have been cleaning
  36. have been leaving
  37. would have been sharing
  38. would not have been sealing
  39. have been filming
  40. would have been checking

Nah, beberapa contoh latihan soal past future perfect continuous tense dan jawabannya. Secara terperinci, ada dua tipe soal yang akan kamu jumpai, yakni pilihan ganda dan juga esai. 

Baca juga : 16 Jenis Tenses Bahasa Inggris Dengan Contohnya dan Rumusnya

Setelah mempelajari materi past future perfect continuous tense kamu bisa mencoba mengerjakan contoh soal past future perfect continuous tense ini. Dengan demikian, kamu bisa menilai sudah cukup baikkah pemahaman kamu terhadap past future perfect continuous tense atau masih perlu diasah lagi. 

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About the Author: Admin Della