Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 & Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

Dalam rangka mempersiapkan ujian, entah itu PTS, PAS maupun PAT, kamu pasti perlu meninjau apa saja yang kamu pelajari di semester ini. Ini termasuk untuk materi bahasa Inggris. Sebelum ujian benar-benar dimulai, kamu perlu tahu bagaimana kira-kira contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2.

Alasannya adalah agar kamu lebih familiar dengan contoh-contoh soal tersebut. Sehingga, kamu sudah tahu apa saja yang harus kamu pelajari agar mendapatkan nilai bagus. Selain itu, contoh soal bahasa Inggris SMA juga bisa membuatmu mengenal apa saja bentuk soal yang akan keluar di ujian nanti.

Namun, sebelum itu, kamu harus mengingat terlebih dahulu apa saja materi bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 yang sudah kamu pelajari.

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

Sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1, yuk mengingat kembali apa saja materinya. Di bangku sekolah menengah atas ini, kamu akan lebih banyak belajar tentang ekspresi dan juga tata bahasa. Selain itu, kamu juga akan belajar tentang jenis-jenis teks yang ada di dalam bahasa Inggris, yang pasti masuk dalam soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11.

Beragam materi inilah yang pastinya sudah kamu pelajari di kelas 11 semester 2 kali ini.

  1. Tata bahasa
  2. Giving Opinion
  3. Giving agreement and also disagreement.
  4. expressing love and sadness
  5.  expressing embarrassment
  6. Narrative text
  7. Spoof text
  8. Hortatory exposition.

Materi di atas tentu akan kamu temui dalam soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 dan jawabannya di sini. Nah, tanpa harus menunggu lebih lama lagi, berikut adalah soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 dan jawabannya yang bisa kamu pelajari!

Contoh Soal

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

Untuk mempersiapkan ujian, inilah beberapa contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 yang dapat kamu coba kerjakan!

Fill in the blanks below with the correct answer!

  1. Nata : Yesterday I went to a party in the wrong costume …

Coco : If I were you I would feel the same too.

  1. Good for me.
  2. It is supposed to be like that.
  3. What a pity.
  4. I’m so embarrassed.
  5. It was Tita’s party.
  1. Rosa : Did he still call you every night?

Yasa : Yes …

  1. It’s so embarrassing.
  2. He is a professional caller.
  3. But I hope he stops because it’s getting annoying.
  4. I agree that he calls every night.
  5. Stop being oblivious!
  1. Maya : My mom keeps nagging me. She said I couldn’t go out at night.

Lisa : …

  1. She is annoying.
  2. I love that for you.
  3. You are right, I should do that too.
  4. I’m so sad for you.
  5. That’s because she was worried about you.
  1. Chloe : I lost my favorite pins …

Dana : Where have you lost it? I’ll try to search for it for you.

  1. It makes me so sad.
  2. Congratulations on that!
  3. I hope you are sad about it too.
  4. How about yours?
  5. Stop making me angry!
  1. Raden : Are you still angry?

Ayu : Of course, …

  1. Great job.
  2. You make me sad again.
  3. You keep making my blood boil!
  4. Because you make me happy.
  5. Is it annoying?
  1. I keep failing the audition it’s getting …
  1. Embarrassed 
  2. Embarrassing
  3. Embarrass me
  4. Has been embarrassing
  5. Embarrass

Read the text below to answer questions number 7-10

Playing sports is not only healthy but also fun as well. Especially sports that you can play in a group. For example, such as basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, and badminton.

First of all you can play those sports with your friends. So, you can hang out with them as well. Then, you can also add various additional rules to make it more fun. Lastly, you can also get healthy together with them.

So, what are you waiting for? You can ask your friend to play those games with you starting from now on!

  1. What type of text is the text above?
  1. Narrative
  2. Descriptive
  3. Hortatory exposition
  4. Analytical exposition
  5. Argumentative
  1. What does the writer want to tell you?
  1. Sports are healthy and fun.
  2. The writer wants to play sports with their friends.
  3. The ways to play sports with friends.
  4. Basketball is fun.
  5. There are various sports that you can play in a group.
  1. According to the writer, why is sports fun?
  1. Because you can play badminton.
  2. Tennis is fun too.
  3. There is no reason.
  4. Because you can play it with your friends.
  5. It is because togetherness is important.
  1. What does the writer want you to do?
  1. Play sports with your friends.
  2. The writer wants nothing. 
  3. Contact your friends.
  4. Tell your friends that sports are fun.
  5. Start playing sports.

Kunci Jawaban

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

  1. D
  2. C
  3. E
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A

Itulah contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 dan juga kunci jawabannya yang bisa kamu pelajari mulai hari ini!

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About the Author: Admin Della